1 min readMay 11, 2018
Well written, Zdravko!
You hit all the points just right.
I’ve had the same experience and then decided to start focusing on my health. And when I say health, it doesn’t mean six-pack.
Instead, it means more energy and focus that improve both my performance and productivity-and is sustainable for a long, long time.
Here are a few personal experiences I’ve had to make every single area you’ve mentioned easier:
- Sleep. Most entrepreneurs screw up sleep because we simply can’t stop working. The best strategy is to (1) know when to stop by deciding how much we want to do for today upfront. Try making it realistic. Then, (2) set a hard stop around 2 hours before sleep.
- Diet. Managing the environment is a great way to eat healthier. Another key is to make a conscious note on the macros (cards, protein, and fat) that we consume and keep an informal track of the portion size. (Over-eating is a big problem)
- Physical exercise. I’ve nothing to add for this because you got it right: just move.
I’m adding this to my newsletter for my readers and subscribers.